Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Watching the SOTU? There's an App for that.

Continuing with the tech trend that help catapult him to office, President Obama's white house released last week an app for iPhone and iTouch users. The White House even provided a nifty video featuring Press Secretary Robert Gibbs (you can watch it at the bottom of the post).

The release corresponds with the SOTU, and coincidentally with the release of the new Apple touch pad computer - the iPad (insert joke here). I'll leave it to the conspiracy theorists to divine the meaning, especially for the White House's relationship with Apple's main rival Google. When this administration began many questioned the cozy relationship between DC and Mountain View, but recently there was a small spat between the administration and google over America's hesitant reaction to Chinese hackers.

But I will say this - as a Droid user, where's my app. The President himself uses a blackberry still -- where's the app for that? I know that the iPhone is popular, but it's only 19% of the market share of smart phones and that figure should fall to about 10% in 2012. I won't complain too much -- google's versions of apps have always been web based - and at least the white house is planning on releasing a mobile web version of soon.


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