Tuesday, March 30, 2010

It's only the tip of the iceberg

The State Newspaper ran a very interesting Op-Ed piece today by Bettis Rainsford:
But this is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to fundamental tax reform that needs to go on in this state, but more on those reforms as time goes by.


Unknown said...

This article ignores the elephant in the room - tax incentives for siting of facilities. Electrical companies should be up in arms over any proposal that would take away the windfall THEY probably are receiving by making sweetheart deals with counties that need tax revenue and are willing to give utilities breaks on their annual assessments in order to generate revenue for the county.

If the state gets involved it should apply the statewide average property tax rates to generating facilities and apply that average rate, then redistribute the collected taxes to each county on a per capita basis. This seems like the fairest way to match the cost to the consumer (property taxes will be passed on to electrical rates) with the benefit via government services.

Mattheus Mei said...

Hutch your assessment seems more than fair and equitable -- I like your thinking!

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